Someone asked me how my blog and newspaper column came to be titled "Bleachers Brew". It's like this, it's an amalgam of sorts of two things: The bleachers area in the stadium/arena where I used to sit when I would watch baseball, football, and basketball games and Miles Davis' great jazz album Bitches Brew. That's how it got culled together. I originally planned on calling it "The View from the Big Chair" that is a nod to Tears For Fear's second album, Songs from the Big Chair. So there.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Images from yesterday's UAAP games

UE's Raphy Reyes has become a better player every year. If he scored in double digits a little more then this guy would be a star. In yesterday's match versus UST, he stopped two consecutive possessions by the Tigers at the midcourt line!

Paul Lee's breakout game of the season was against UE nemesis FEU where he scored 27 points. Not until yesterday where he played a fine and controlled match. He was never out of control or forcing the issue as he oft did in the first round. His more relaxed game produced a more balanced effort in all departments.

Girls, I think Mr. Lee is taken. And she sat somewhere below where you were positioned.

Get that oxygen tank going because it's going to be one whale of a match between FEU and Adamson. Well, that's what I thought before the start. Easily the best if not one of the best games of the season.

The Tamaraws celebrate Al Ramos' basket after the hand off from RR Garcia. But... there were six something seconds left.

I spoke with good friend Jens Knuttel before the game and this is a more confident FEU team. Keeping their morale up is not much of a problem because everyone is on the same page. Some have sacrificed minutes for the greater good. As of late, they've had problems executing down the stretch. That's because teams have been playing them much better. Despite the loss, the Tamaraws remain upbeat. The pressure of a possible sweep off -- they'll be more relaxed in a good way. But they know that everyone is gunning for them.

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