Someone asked me how my blog and newspaper column came to be titled "Bleachers Brew". It's like this, it's an amalgam of sorts of two things: The bleachers area in the stadium/arena where I used to sit when I would watch baseball, football, and basketball games and Miles Davis' great jazz album Bitches Brew. That's how it got culled together. I originally planned on calling it "The View from the Big Chair" that is a nod to Tears For Fear's second album, Songs from the Big Chair. So there.

Friday, July 9, 2010

LeJoke is on us.

I don't know what all this drama is surrounding LeBron James' free agency. Why go through a one-hour television special to announce it? Whether he stays with Cleveland or not, the whole thing is a joke. And we are even bigger jokers for falling for it unless you aren't watching it. I know things aren't cut and dried for teams who have stakeholders to please, a fan base to satisfy, and egos the size of Mount Rushmore to appease, but if a player doesn't want to play for you -- let him go. After that, how can he respect you when you're nothing but a lapdog?

The comment that Chicago will be okay whether he signs or not? No, they will not be okay. They were okay several years ago with a great young lineup and 12 years after the Last Dance they are still rebuilding. They have scared away any top free agent talent. Who did they get -- Ben Wallace? We all know how that turned out. Even Eddie Jones spurned them. If there is any rebuilding to be done with the Bulls it has to start with their management. They got lucky once in their lifetime and they never appreciated it until years later. And that jerk Jerry Reinsdorf goes on to say that his Chicago White Sox's World Series victory meant more to him than the combined six NBA titles the Bulls won. So why should marquee basketball players wanna play for a tightwad and stupid basketball owner like Reinsdork?

As for staying in Cleveland, he roots for the Yankees and other non-Cleveland teams. Let him go. It's gonna hurt but it's okay. You cannot be serious that you wanna love him even if he puts you through a ringer like this? Heck, Mark Price, who is from Oklahoma, and Brad Daugherty, who is from North Carolina, reveled in being Cavs even more. Remember Paul O'Niell? He is from Colombus and was supremely thrilled when he was drafted by the hometown Cincinnati Reds. His felt bad when he was traded to New York but as his dad said, it was for the best. And boy, was it for the best. He won four World Series titles with the Yankees!

So let 'Bron go, Cleveland. He doesn't deserve that love. Besides, he didn't put your city on the map. Those generations that came before did.

As for Miami, I will not be surprised if Pat Reilly removes Erik Spoelstra to coach the Heat should LeBron join them. After all, he did that to Stan Van Gundy. 

Oh... he is joining the Heat.

But LeBron needs to do what's best for him. So.............. who are we to begrudge him that? It just sucks the way he did it.

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