Someone asked me how my blog and newspaper column came to be titled "Bleachers Brew". It's like this, it's an amalgam of sorts of two things: The bleachers area in the stadium/arena where I used to sit when I would watch baseball, football, and basketball games and Miles Davis' great jazz album Bitches Brew. That's how it got culled together. I originally planned on calling it "The View from the Big Chair" that is a nod to Tears For Fear's second album, Songs from the Big Chair. So there.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Rage of the Hormones

Is it me or the annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is way thinner than a supermodel's waist? Got my copy on Thursday and enjoyed breezing through it... not. Sorry but I miss the old issues that were triple the size of the regular mag. And having collected this for the past 20 years... the quality of the photos is not up to par! And there are not enough pics of Jessica Gomes! C'mon the latest issue of Maxim (with Kaley Cuoco on the cover) had two more pictures of Jessica (4 to SI's 2 of which one was bad), the half-Chinese, half-Portuguese Australian model. And only one picture each of Abbey Clancy and Melissa Satta! For shame. More soccer wags! More! What SI has done is make most of the pictures available on their website and the thing is -- you can't grab them! Unless you save it as a screen pic. Douchebags!

Anyhow... I spent a couple of hours at Fully Booked at Bonifacio High Street. Thoroughly enjoyed those hours browsing stuff, buying stuff, and wishing I had more moolah to buy more stuff. I got David Plouffe's The Audacity to Win which is about the ground-breaking Obama campaign, Steve Rude's The Moth trade paperback, Maxim with Kaley Cuoco on the cover, the SI swimsuit issue, Bill Simmons' The Book of Basketball. Made tabs on getting an art book, a history of the Knights Templar, and a new copy of Al Santoli's Everything We Had which is one of the best oral histories of the Vietnam War. Had one a long time ago. Wish they still had that book on Charlie Company.

Wouldn't it be cool to own a bookstore?

Whenever I travel I always look for the local bookstores, the CDs shops, sports stores and football shops, and punk rock shops.

Sir Richard Branson? You listening? I'm sending over my CV.

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