Someone asked me how my blog and newspaper column came to be titled "Bleachers Brew". It's like this, it's an amalgam of sorts of two things: The bleachers area in the stadium/arena where I used to sit when I would watch baseball, football, and basketball games and Miles Davis' great jazz album Bitches Brew. That's how it got culled together. I originally planned on calling it "The View from the Big Chair" that is a nod to Tears For Fear's second album, Songs from the Big Chair. So there.

Monday, August 3, 2009

King Ralph meets the Burger King

Burger King endorser Tommy Grey (who looks like he ate everything including the kitchen sink) congratulates Japeth Aguilar after the 6-foot-10 center was selected as the No.1 pick of the 2009 PBA Annual Draft on Sunday at the Market, Market Place.

So who is going to bring the watermelon?

You got it, King!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, Funny guy! -The "Burger King endorser" Tommy Gray.
