Someone asked me how my blog and newspaper column came to be titled "Bleachers Brew". It's like this, it's an amalgam of sorts of two things: The bleachers area in the stadium/arena where I used to sit when I would watch baseball, football, and basketball games and Miles Davis' great jazz album Bitches Brew. That's how it got culled together. I originally planned on calling it "The View from the Big Chair" that is a nod to Tears For Fear's second album, Songs from the Big Chair. So there.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Catching up on email and questions

As I am caught up with work and unable to write something for Business Mirror or anywhere (my editor asked me if I have anything in the pipeline), maybe this is a good time to catch up with email and inquiries.

Peter asks if what i think of Real Madrid reviving the galactico project and if I will root for them again.
The answer is, I think it's great for Madrid and for Spanish football. But I will not root for them. I only did before because they had Zizou, Roberto Carlos, and Michael Owen. Los Blancos getting Karim Benzema is tempting but sorry. It's back to Camp Nou for me. But I still have lots of Real Madrid jerseys of the early galactico years.

Several have asked me what is my opinion of the SBP-BAP row.
Okay, why in the blue hell do we have politicians in sports? Not only does it increase these trapos power bases but they have more excuses not to do their jobs. If the budget of those congressmen and senators went to proper services like education, health care, social security etc then we'd be okay. It's okay naman if these trapos are out of office because they represent the few and the greedy.

I don't even know why the BAP is still alive. The fact that they exist means our national sports officials are lame ducks with no balls. And if PFF stands for Pera For Football, FIBA stands for Foreign Interests in your Basketball Administration. Their siding and giving life to the BAP somehow reminds me of how the Soviets and Olympic Officials stole the gold medal from the Americans in Munich. Patay na binuhay pa. If the US Team still has those silver medals unclaimed in a Swiss Bank vault, with the BAP they'd take it. Take it.

A couple of people asked me what I thought of the NCAA having 10 teams in the field.
I think it's damn great and it spices up the competition.

Should the UAAP follow suit?
Well, there have been applicants to the league for a while now but they have not acted upon it for some reason. Will we see a new member school soon? My best guess is it could happen sometime in the next three years.

Someone asked why I do not root for Ginebra anymore.
This Ginebra team isn't what it once was -- a collection of discards, has beens, and never wasses. They were the lovable losers who we wanted to win. Now they have become San Miguel Beer. How they got Cyrus Baguio was well... Sige na nga. While we're at it, is there anyway we can add James Yap to this Ginebra line-up? So yung mga crowd faves nandyan na lahat.

A healthy and winning Ginebra means hit 'to sa takilya.

Yesterday, a high school kid from Jakarta chatted with me asking how I go about writing and who my influences are (you might want to go through the search feature of Brew on the lower left side of the blog for more info).

Some are quick to point out, Ricky Reilly, the former Sports Illustrated columnist now with ESPN, for the huge lift. That's a fraction true. I think John Feinstein and Jack McCallum -- their attention to detail -- are just as much. David Halberstam's sense of history is another. There's British sports writer Alex Flynn, who is in the vein of Feinstein and McCallum. Flynn mostly writes about British football club Arsenal and has several excellent books: The Glorious Game, For Love or Money? and Heroes and Villains. There are Jon Krakauer, Frank Deford, EM Swift, Rick Telander, The Los Angeles Times' Mike Heisler and Mike Wise, and Roger Kahn.

There are television shows and documentaries that I drool on from HBO's 24/7 writers, to the BBC's talented documentary makers.

A lot basically.

Someone asked me why I take liberties with grammar by using fragments, run-ons etc. Find me someone who speaks in grammatically correct English all the time then I will write the way the textbooks prescribe it. Been there. Done that. Now break the rules. If you tell me that and can't find me one, I will fucking kick your ass.

By the way, an official of an athletic wear giant who has always been critical of adidas applied for a job an the Three Stripes. The adidas folks have raised their eyebrows and are smirking.

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