Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Miami Heat win the 2011 NBA title! Uh, they did?

I still have my original issues of Watchmen. The pages have browned but they are well-thumbed pages. I did buy the tradepaperback and later still, the DVD of the movie. If you read Alan Moore's groundbreaking series, then you know that it was set in an alternative timeline where America won the Vietnam War and Richard Nixon was never disgraced by Watergate. Could this -- the Miami Heat winning the 2011 NBA title be a part of that? This is for real -- it ran in today's Miami Herald. The funny thing is -- yesterday was only Game 6 and if the Heat won there would still be a Game 7. Jay Leno is gonna go wild with this for sure.

Heard those t-shirts are going to be sent to Darfur, Sudan. Or maybe Abbattobad, Pakistan. Those al-Qaeda guys want some. They believe that Osama bin-Laden is still alive.