Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Change the climate, your mindset, and your damn habits

Over one lunch with my parents and my siblings, my sister who manages a resort in Siargao said that living by the beach, you can't help but notice the effects of global warming. Unlike us who live in the city, there isn't any sense of urgency with regards to the matter.

I've been very conscious of the little things such as switching off and unplugging all unnecessary equipment, using re-usable materials, not taking any plastics, plastic eating utensils, and others in groceries and fast food joints.

Here's what president-elect Barack Obama said in an interview with Time Magazine: "And the final thing just to round out my Happy List is climate change. All the indicators are that it is happening faster than even the most pessimistic scientists were anticipating a couple of years ago."

While speaking to Leo Oracion earlier this year, he noted with alarm how the face of Everest had changed for the worse in less than a year after he scaled the summit.

I'm certainly glad in Ateneo that some units now do not use plastic containers for take-out food and in fact require students to bring their own food containers.

Hopefully this year everyone will more cognizant of what needs to be done to help arrest climate change. Make a stand for everyone's sake. It's not enough that you watch An Inconvenient Truth (the DVD and the VCD are on sale locally). Do something concrete about it.


Film critic Roger Ebert wrote: "In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to."

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